Heart of the Father

Heart of the Father

Have you ever wondered what God's original intent for your life is? Do you struggle to find purpose in a world constantly screaming negativity? "Heart of the Father" is here to speak above the noise with the truth of how God sees you and who He's created you to be. Discover just how big God's heart truly is for you! Every other Friday we will dive into Scripture together and seek God's heart. If you desire to find purpose, to see yourself the way God sees you, and discover His heart, then this podcast is for you.

Recent Episodes

July 28, 2023

The House of Praise

Psalm 22:3 tells us that "God inhabits the praise of His people". What does it mean to praise the Lord? For us to truly become a House of Praise, we have to be willing to rejoice in the midst of storms and proclaim God's good...
June 24, 2023

The House of Power

What does is mean to be empowered by the Holy Spirit? Webster's Dictionary defines power as "the right to govern or rule; power implies possession of ability to wield force, authority, or influence." We do this by getting in...
June 9, 2023

The House of Prayer

Have you ever wondered what an effective and powerful prayer is? This week, we discuss what it means for the Church to become a house of prayer, by breaking down 'The Lord's Prayer" (Matthew 6:9-13). Discover what it means to...
May 19, 2023

The House of Purity

Have you ever struggled feeling like you are pure enough for God? The good news is that if you've accepted Jesus as your savior, you've already been made pure and holy! This week we dive into what it means to be a house of pu...
May 5, 2023

The House of the Lord

Over the next few episodes we will dive into what it means for believers to be the House of the Lord. That begins with recognizing that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. No longer do we have to go inside of a building to ...
April 21, 2023

The Turkey Episode

Today's episode is a clip of Pastor Eugene sharing his heart during our Shabbat Bible Study while we were in Turkey. We felt that sharing a piece of our experience touring the 7 Churches of Revelation would be great for the p...
